Wednesday, November 16, 2016


The Lord has placed this area on my heart so heavy so I was compelled to blog about it. So for me Thanksgiving and Christmas are my absolute favorite holidays. Tons of food, family, music, and memories. We laugh, eat, and cry as we reflect on where the Lord has brought us from. In my family my grandma won't let us touch a piece of food until everyone has said what their thankful for( It's about fifty of us lol) and pray. As much as I love being with my family and our traditions, It was a super scary time for me. Seeing how I'm the oldest granddaughter, twenty seven, unmarried, and no children. I felt the pressure of it all annually as aunts and uncles would say " Dang girl you getting up there, where them babies or a husband"? I'd smile and grin as my heart sank into my feet, as if I needed a reminder. When I first gave my life to Christ for real and began to abstain this was a constant hurt for me as I watched cousin's burp newborns, share pregnancy announcements, as well as being introduced to new boyfriends, and blinged out left hands.The pain would sing me songs over and over again on my heart's jukebox. I would count down the days until I go back home in my safe environment. After one of my Thanksgiving trips I began to pour out my heart to God. I told him how  bitterness was trying to take over my life concerning those issues. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me but also to be my comforter. He instructed me to go to Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. They are plans of good and not disaster, to give you hope and a future.(NLT) So here I am like okay God if you have plans for me of good things why am I miserable? Why am I hurting? Why do I feel like I'm not enough? I wrestled with these feelings for days after my trip. I continued to cry daily but I keep referring back to Jeremiah 29:11. After about two weeks of meditating on that scripture daily it hit me............. Do I really trust God? Or am I programmed to say I trust Him? The honest gut wrenching truth was that I didn't. I trusted Him with some stuff but not every aspect of my life. I didn't allow God to reign in my life. While trusting God you have to give Him every part of you, He is concerned with every detail of your life. Here's the huge one...... While trusting God we have to also trust His timing. As much as I wanted marriage and things I saw around me, I had to trust that in His perfect timing those things would come because he placed the desire on the inside of me. God is our father and a parent wouldn't give a child anything prematurely that could possibly ruin them. Would a parent buy a car for a five year old? No because they aren't ready. They could injure themselves or even die. Those are all possibilities for us when we don't wait on God and we connect to the wrong people. So trust Him! Secondly REST!!!! This one here is so important ladies! Rest in God and who He is making you to be. If I be real this was a tough area for me and I struggled with it for some time. The man God has for you is designed just for you. You won't have to do anything to get him. You won't have to sleep with him, dress to show your body or fight to prove your worth to him. With every hurt, disappointment, and heartbreak, God is preparing you to be a wife. In the book of Genesis chapter two around verse 21 God puts Adam in a deep sleep. While he was sleeping God took one of his ribs to crete woman which was named Eve. Do you see the beauty in that? Eve didn't have to do anything. She allowed God to prepare her first. She trusted the creator to create her into a wife suitable for Adam. So maybe your Adam is sleeping and that's okay. God put him to sleep to work on him. Allow the father to develop you during this time so when He makes the beautiful presentation of you to your Adam you'll be ready. It's my prayer thats you hold firm to the principles and promises of God. Also to love on your family during the holidays..................  Love y'all and God bless.

Monday, October 3, 2016

How To Hold On To Your Purity: Christ Is Our Anchor 

It's been so long since I've blogged and I really missed sharing my heart with you guys. While away God allowed me to share my story with a few women. While with these ladies, The number one question I was asked was how? How do I hold on? How have I made it this far? I began to pray that the Holy Spirit would give me the right words to say and guide my tongue so I could bring glory to His name. Today I'll share the answers the Lord gave me with you.  1. Spend time with God daily!  If you take nothing else from this blog post please understand this is number one. When we spend time with Him daily, we are allowing His Spirit to come in and fill us. While in consecration with God, He shows us our hearts and bring correction in all areas. Also while spending time with God He teaches us and change our hearts. We swap our selfish desires and our will, and we began to desire what He wants for us and nothing else.  2. Godly Accountability: Godly counsel is so vital to your walk of purity because they help us stay focused. Proverbs 27:17  As iron sharpens iron, So a friend sharpens a friend.  Simply Put when you're down or wanting to give up God graces us with a spiritual brother or sister to lift us up. Godly accountability correct us with the Word of God but also walks with us and pray us through it. They go to God for us and  intercede on our behalf. This year I took some hard blows and wanted to completely give up! I was done with purity and all it had to offer!! Right in that moment God sent my sisters Shadawn, Taira, and Monique to not only pray for me, but fast for me ......That's love ya'll lol.    3. Stay focused on the bigger picture: Romans 5:8 But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.  Jesus laid down his life for us and in return we must live for him. We were created to serve God. We must remember purity is a act of service to the Lord. We must present our bodies as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. Also we have to remind ourselves that singleness is only for a season, we can't give up or rush God to the alter. We have to rest in his perfect timing and trust that he knows what's best for us. He created us and know us inside out, he protects us for our own selves. If He blesses us prematurely we'll ruin it. I pray during your journey you learn to depend on God for EVERYTHING.... He's our strength